Diabetics should eat 5 fruits in Iftar

Diabetics should eat 5 fruits in Iftar so that sugar does not rise and insulin does not worry!

Healthy eating is very important for diabetics in Sahar and Iftar, as it can lower and raise blood sugar, which is why experts say that diabetics should eat as much as every meal. Be appropriate for their health. Iftar is a time when you can't help but look at the sweet things, the sweet and the wonderful fruits. If you are not stopped, then find out which are the fruits that diabetics should eat in Iftar so that their sugar can be controlled and their body No complications of:

Diabetics should eat 5 fruits in Iftar so that sugar does not rise and insulin does not worry


Few people wait for the summer season, but the special summer fruit "mango" is waiting for everyone, young and old, because its taste and sweetness is pleasing to every tongue. Mango because it is naturally very sweet and full of more nutrients and now in a few days mango will be seen in the market.

Mango contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that make it beneficial for health and also helps in controlling blood sugar.

Find out the opinion of experts on whether diabetics can eat it. Does mango increase sugar?

A mango contains 99 calories, 1.4 protein, 0.6 fat, 25 grams starch, 22.5 grams sweetness, 2.6 grams fiber, 67% of vitamin C, 20% of copper, 18% of folate, 10% of vitamins A and E and potassium. 6% of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc are also found in some amount. That is why he is called the king of fruits.

More than 90% of the calories in mango are the result of natural sweeteners, which is why it can raise blood sugar levels in diabetics. But it also contains fiber and a variety of antioxidants that play a key role in reducing the overall effects of blood sugar.

Fiber reduces the rate of absorption of sweeteners into the blood, while the antioxidants in it help reduce stress caused by high blood sugar levels.

This makes it easier for the body to control high amounts of starch and to balance blood sugar levels.

Mango has a glycemic index of 51, which technically makes it a low-GI food, meaning a diet that is not harmful to diabetics if consumed in limited quantities.

How to make mango better for diabetics?

According to experts, a slice of mango or half a small cup of chopped mango can be eaten, but mango shake, juice, etc. should be avoided.

And if you are diabetic and want to eat mangoes, you can use different methods to prevent blood sugar levels from rising.

* Avoid eating too much mango at a time.

* Rice is high in carbohydrates, so avoid eating rice while eating mango.

* Mango contains fiber, but the amount of protein is not special, so eating a protein-rich food with mango, such as a boiled egg, a piece of cheese or a handful of nuts can prevent blood sugar levels from rising.


From childhood we have been hearing that eating apples daily is good for health and children are also fed breakfast or lunch so that they must use apples in some way.

Today we tell you what experts say about eating apples in Iftar.

Experts from the University of Reading in the UK studied people with high blood sugar and recommended eating two apples a day for 8 weeks.

When these people are examined after 8 months, you will be surprised to know because:

"When we examined these people, we found out how much their excessive sugar was controlled by eating two apples a day for 8 weeks, and their weight was reduced by two to two and a half kilograms," the researchers told Research Journal. Done. Professor Julie Lovergrove, author of the study, says:

2 Daily consumption of apples provides a large amount of polyphenols which lowers LDL ie bad cholesterol and sugar while eating apples does not reduce good cholesterol.

So eat an apple, but sprinkle a little pepper on it and use it.


Guava has a low glycemic index which prevents blood sugar from rising, so if you eat guava with lemon juice at Iftar, the sugar will not rise at all.


Grapes also contain carbohydrates, protein, potassium, calcium and iron which are good for diabetics, so you can use them in Iftar.

Chico fruit:

Chico contains vitamins such as folate, vitamin C, A, oxidants, glycosylic ingredients which are very beneficial for diabetics.

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